Instead of using the soapclient library from PHP, a REST (Representational State Transfer) webservice can be consumed by passing method and parameters directly through the URL.
Here below, a function "Acces_REST_WS" has been defined to get the response of a web service (through the example of Chronopost webservice giving the information of a relay point from a relay idendifier) giving the URL of the webservice along with the applied method and parameters :
$sUrl ="";
$parameters = http_build_query(array(
'accountNumber' => 'XXXXXX',
'password' => 'XXXXXX',
'identifiant' => '2711R',
'countryCode' => 'FR',
'language' => 'FR'
), '&');
$reponse = Acces_Rest_WS($sUrl,$parameters);
function Acces_Rest_WS($sUrl, $parameters)
$aErrors = array();
$bError = false;
$url =$sUrl.$parameters;
$result = URLToXml($url);
// transformer le fichier XML en tableau
$listePointRelais = json_decode(XmlToJson($result), true);
//tester les codes erreurs
$errorCode = $listePointRelais['soapBody']['ns1rechercheDetailPointChronopostInterResponse']['return']['errorCode'];
if ($errorCode != '0')
// en cas d'erreur, rechercher le message d'erreur
$bError = true;
$errormessage = $listePointRelais['soapBody']['ns1rechercheDetailPointChronopostInterResponse']['return']['errorMessage'];
$aErrors[] = $errorCode." : ".$errormessage ;
// absence d'erreur
if (false === $bError)
$listePointRelais = $listePointRelais['soapBody'] ['ns1rechercheDetailPointChronopostInterResponse']['return']['listePointRelais'];
$listePointRelais = isset($listePointRelais) ? $listePointRelais : array();
if (!isset($listePointRelais[0]))
$listePointRelais = array(
0 => $listePointRelais
$relays = array();
foreach ($listePointRelais as $PointRelais)
if (!isset($PointRelais['identifiant']))
$relay = array(
'label' => $PointRelais['nom'],
'code' => $PointRelais['identifiant'],
'id' => $PointRelais['identifiant'],
'address_line1' => $PointRelais['adresse1'],
'address_postal_code' => $PointRelais['codePostal'],
'address_city' => $PointRelais['localite'],
'relay_type' => 'ChronoRelais',
'lat' => isset($PointRelais['coordGeolocalisationLatitude']) ? $PointRelais['coordGeolocalisationLatitude'] : null,
'lng' => isset($PointRelais['coordGeolocalisationLongitude']) ? $PointRelais['coordGeolocalisationLongitude'] : null,
'country_code' => $PointRelais['codePays'],
'hours' => array()
$jours = array (0 =>'sun',1=>'mon',2=>'tue',3 =>'wed',4=>'thu',5=>'fri',6=>'sat');
foreach ($PointRelais['listeHoraireOuverture'] as $day)
$jour= $jours[$day['jour']];
if (isset($day['listeHoraireOuverture']))
$relay['hours'][$jour] = array(
'am' => isset($day['listeHoraireOuverture'][0]) ? array(
) : null,
'pm' => isset($day['listeHoraireOuverture'][1]) ? array(
) : null
$relay['hours'][$jour] = null;
return array(
'request' => array(
'url' => $sUrl,
'options' => array(),
'parameters' => $parameters
'response' => $relay,
'errors' => $aErrors
function XmlToJson($fileContents)
$fileContents = str_replace(array(
), '', $fileContents);
$fileContents = trim(str_replace('"', "'", $fileContents));
$fileContents = preg_replace("/(<\/?)(\w+):([^>]*>)/", "$1$2$3", $fileContents);
$fileContents = preg_replace('/xmlns[^=]*="[^"]*"/i', '', $fileContents);
$fileContents = preg_replace('/[a-zA-Z]+:([a-zA-Z]+[=>])/', '$1', $fileContents);
$simpleXml = @simplexml_load_string($fileContents);
//$tab = (array) $simpleXml;
$json = json_encode($simpleXml);
return $json;
function URLToXml($url)
// create curl resource
$curl = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
$result = curl_exec($curl);
//close curl resource to free up system resources
return $result;