The main difference with Symfony version 1 is about the architecture with the bundles (see
In Symfony 2, at first, you will have to generate a bundle executingin MS DOS prompt (after adding the PHP folder in your PATH environment variable) the following command :
php app/console generate:bundle (we need to be within your Symfony web root)
A namespace of the bundle is then required : give it the following a name with a"Bundle" suffix -for example : [yoursite]\BlogBundle for a Blog (if you wish to make different website)
For the bundle name, it will provide you a default name in brackets, if you agree, you just have to type ENTER
Idem for the target directory
For the configuration format, I personally prefer the YML format : write "yml" and type ENTER
To the question generate the whole directory structure, say "yes" and type ENTER
And type ENTER for the following question
The bundle is now generated.
Take now your favorite IDE and open your symfony project (personally, I used Sublime Text (see ; as Symfony is MVC framework, we will define a route then make a controller with a view :
1 - Go to src/[yoursite]/BlogBundle\ressources\config\routing.yml and add at the end of the file the following code to insert the route of your web site:
path: /hello-world
defaults: { _controller: [yoursite]BlogBundle:Blog:index}
Bundle called "BlogBundle", Controller being "Blog" and the action being "index"
2- Add the corresponding controller in a new file called : src/[yoursite]/BlogBundle\ressources\Controller\BlogController.php with the following code :
namespace [yoursite]\BlogBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
class BlogController extends Controller
public function indexAction()
// return new Response("Hello World !");
return $this->render('[yoursite]BlogBundle:Blog:index.html.twig');
3- Add the associated view in a new file src/[yoursite]/BlogBundle\ressources\views\Blog\index.html.twig
4- In this file add the following content :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Hello World !</h1>
5- Go to the following URL : http://localhost/symfony/web/app_dev.php/hello-world ; then, you should get this kind of screen
Adding a parameter in the controller : that means making some slightly changes to the route, the controller and the view :
- First thing to change is the route to :
path: /greeting/{name}
defaults: { _controller: SdzBlogBundle:Blog:index}
- The controller needs to be updated :
class BlogController extends Controller
public function indexAction($name)
return $this->render('[yoursite]BlogBundle:Blog:index.html.twig', array('name' => $name));
- The view needs also to be updated :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Hello {{name}} !</h1>
The URL call will then be "http://localhost/symfony/web/app_dev.php/greeting/john":